Bruker apex ii mass spectrometer
Bruker apex ii mass spectrometer

bruker apex ii mass spectrometer
bruker apex ii mass spectrometer

The chemistry modeling lab is equipped with 12 Windows-PC's running Gaussianand GaussView.

  • Anaerobic Glove Box (Coy Type AAnaerobic Chamber).
  • Several temperature regulated shaking incubators.
  • Nanodrop UV-visible spectrophotometer for small scale DNA/RNA quantification.
  • Multiple PCR thermocylcers ( MJ Mini 48W PCR Thermocylers 96W PCR Eppendorf Mastercycler 25W Eppendorf PCR Mastercycler Personal).
  • Cell and tissue storage liquid nitrogen tank.
  • New Brunswick BioFlo/Celligen 11514L bioreactor/fermentor.
  • New Brunswick BioFlo 110 (advanced)14L bioreactor/fermentor.
  • Tissue culture facility for human cell culture (including isolated room, CO2 incubators, microscope, and biosafety cabinets).
  • Instrumentation specific to the Biochemistry facility in CPB:
  • Johnson Mathey MSB-1 magnetic susceptibility balance.
  • KratosUltra X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (ESCA) with sputter gun, monochromatic (Al source), polychromatic sources (Mg and Al), and imaging capacity.
  • X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometers (XPS), PHI 5300 with sputter gun and a monochromatic source.
  • Atomic Absorption (AA) Thermo M-series with GF95Z Graphite Furnace and Flame.
  • Multiple UV and visible transilluminators.
  • GE Healthcare Storm840 fluorescence imager Phosphor imager.
  • Fluorescence microscope (Nikon EclipseTE2000-U Inverted Research Microscope with DIC/Fluorescence and Digital Imaging).
  • bruker apex ii mass spectrometer

  • Micro plate reader (Fluostar Omega from BMG)with capabilities for absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence detection.
  • UV-Vis Plate reader BMG LabTech Spectrostar NanoUV/Vis 96 well-Plate Reader.
  • Hi-Tech SF-61D X2 stopped-flow UV-visible spectrophotometer.
  • Dynamic light scattering instrument with digital correlator (Brookhaven Instruments).
  • Jasco 710 Circular Dichroism (CD) spectrometer with cryogenic upgrades.
  • Fluorometer Perkin Elmer SpectroFluorometer LS-55.
  • Lifetime Fluorimeter (PhotonTechnology International, Easylife II).
  • Horiba J-Y Fluoromax -3 with upgrades for Lifetime Fluorescence studies.
  • UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-3600).
  • Numerous UV/vis spectrophotometers (some with diode-array detection).
  • Veeco Multimode V SPM with contact and tapping mode Atomic Force Microscope (AFM).
  • Horiba Jobin Yvon LabRAM Aramin Raman spectrometer with 633 nm HeNe laser and 473 nm DPSS laser.
  • Liquid helium cryostat for conductivity measurements.
  • Thermogravimetric analyzer (Shimadzu TGA-51).
  • Perkin Elmer Diamond Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) low temp (-180 ✬ to 200 ✬) LN2 cooled.
  • Shimadzu DSC-60 Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) ambient to 600 ✬.
  • Multiple SDS PAGE and Agarose electrophoresis systems.
  • Bio-Rad FTS-40 GC-FTIR Spectrometer with HP 5890 GC.
  • UV/vis, fluorescence, chiral, and MS detectors for CE and HPLC.
  • Capillary electrophoresis (CE) instruments.
  • Analytical and preparative HPLC instruments.

    Multiple FT-IR spectrometers ( Bruker FT-IR Alpha P with Diamond ATR and Transition mode capability Shimadzu FT-IR Prestige with NIR and Far IR Kits, plus ATR capacity).API (ESI/APCI) mass spectrometer detectors (single quad, QqQ, QIT, LIT, IT-TOF).Active Spectrum bench top X-band EPR spectrometer.Oxford ESR 900 LHe/LN2 (4-300K) and ESR 910 LHe cryostat(1.9-300K) and Oxford ITC503 EPR temperature regulator.Bruker EMXplus X-band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectrometer with ER 4116 (dual-mode) and double-rectangular (SuperQ) resonators.Bruker SMART X2S automated bench-top X-ray diffractometer equipped with a BREEZE air-cooled 4K CCD detector.


    Bruker SMART Apex II X-ray diffractometer equipped with MONOCAP glass capillary optics and OXFORD Cryostream 700 and APEX2 software suite.Bruker D8 QUEST Fixed CHI X-ray diffractometer equipped with PHOTON 100 CMOS area detector, TRIUMPH monochromator, OXFORD Cryostream 700, and BRUKER APEX2 software suite.

    bruker apex ii mass spectrometer

  • Three multinuclear, superconducting (300, 400, and 500 MHz) FT-NMR spectrometers.
  • chromatography and sample preparation), and spectroscopic instrumentation are available for use through the The Shimadzu Center for Advanced Analytical Chemistry ( ) The major equipment available includes: In addition to the major research instrumentation listed below, a large number of mass spectrometers, state-of-the-art supporting peripheries (e.g. We are well equipped to perform top-level research in all traditional and interdisciplinary chemistry-based fields. The Department is located in Science Hall (SH), the Baker Chemistry Research Building (CRB) and the new Chemistry and Physics Building (CPB).

    Bruker apex ii mass spectrometer